> On 1 Dec 2021, at 10:16 AM, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just updated PEP 671 https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0671/
> with some additional information about the reference implementation,
> and some clarifications elsewhere.
> *PEP 671: Syntax for late-bound function argument defaults*
> Questions, for you all:
> 1) If this feature existed in Python 3.11 exactly as described, would
> you use it?
Yes I will use it. 
> 2) Independently: Is the syntactic distinction between "=" and "=>" a
> cognitive burden?
No, because it would look like a lambda (if the new lambda syntax were 
approved), indicating this will be evaluated each time the function is run. 
> (It's absolutely valid to say "yes" and "yes", and feel free to say
> which of those pulls is the stronger one.)
> 3) If "yes" to question 1, would you use it for any/all of (a) mutable
> defaults, (b) referencing things that might have changed, (c)
> referencing other arguments, (d) something else?
I will definitely use it for default mutable collections like list, set, 
dictionary etc. I will also use it to reference things that might have changed. 
For example, when making callbacks to GUI push buttons, I find myself at the 
start of the function/callback to be fetching the values from other widgets so 
we can do something with them. Now those values can be directly passed as 
late-bound defaults from their respective widgets (e.g., def callback(self, 
text1 => self.line_edit.text()): …).
> 4) If "no" to question 1, is there some other spelling or other small
> change that WOULD mean you would use it? (Some examples in the PEP.)
> 5) Do you know how to compile CPython from source, and would you be
> willing to try this out? Please? :)
I haven’t done it from source. I might try to learn how to do it in the next 
weekend and give it a try. 
> I'd love to hear, also, from anyone's friends/family who know a bit of
> Python but haven't been involved in this discussion. If late-bound
> defaults "just make sense" to people, that would be highly
> informative.
I will show this to some of my coworkers who are python experts and I will 
report back. 
> Any and all comments welcomed. I mean, this is python-ideas after
> all... bikeshedding is what we do best!
> The reference implementation currently has some test failures, which
> I'm looking into. I'm probably going to make this my personal default
> Python interpreter for a while, to see how things go.
> ChrisA
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