
The idea is to add 3 functions to get "config", "data" and "cache" directories 
that are commonly used to store application files in user home / system.

This look very straightforward to get theses directories path, but in practices 
it depends on many factors like OS, environnement variables, user or system dir.

For instance, with the "config" directory:
* Linux, user: os.path.join(os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", 
os.path.expanduser("~/.config")), app_name)
* Linux, system: os.path.join("/etc", app_name)
* Windows, user: os.path.join(os.path.expandvars("%APPDATA%"), app_name)
* Windows, system: os.path.join(os.path.expandvars("%CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA%"), 

For linux, the full spec is here: 

I see many applications that just use "~/.app_name" to not have to handle 
theses cases.

The functions prototypes may look like and may be added to "shutil" (or 
"os.path" ?):

def getcachedir(app_name: str=None, system: bool=False):

* app_name: The application name
* system: If the required directory is the systemd directory or user direcotry.

This may also be implemented as an external library, but I am not sure I would 
like add add a dependency to my projects "just for this".

I can implement this if people are interested with this feature.
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