-1. Extra complexity for no benefit. Attractive nuisance to making overly
complex statement lines.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022, 8:31 PM Svein Seldal <svei...@seldal.com> wrote:

> I'm sorry for reposting, but this message got stuck in moderation
> approval for 5 days so I figured I should try again.
> I'd like to propose extending the for statement to include conditionals
> akin to comprehensions in order to simplify for loop statements:
>      `for .. in .. if ..:`
> E.g.
>      for x in y if x in c:
>          some_op(x)
> which is functionally equivalent as
>      for x in y:
>          if x not in c:
>              continue
>          some_op(x)
> The `for .. in .. if` syntax is a well-known construct from list
> comprehension syntax [1]. Other alternative ways to do this with list
> comprehension is:
>      for x in (a for a in y if c):
> or
>      it = (a for a in y if c)
>      for x in it:
> Without having examined all use cases, I believe the same syntax should
> be applied this syntax as for asynchronous comprehensions.
> [1] PEP 202 - List Comprehensions
> [2] PEP 530 - Asynchronous Comprehensions
> Best regards,
> Svein Seldal
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