On Tue, Mar 01, 2022 at 09:27:05PM -0800, Christopher Barker wrote:

> I think it's really the equivalent of
> for x in y:
>     if not x in c:
>         break
>     do_stuff
> which to me give the proposed syntax a bit more relative strength.

Forgotten the difference between continue and break, have we? :-)

Svein (the OP) did specify continue, not break, which matches the 
equivalent syntax in comprehensions.

Semantically, there is no difference between 

    if not condition:


    if condition:

but as of CPython 3.10, the byte-code from the first version is slightly 
longer, so I imagine (but haven't measured) it will be ever-so-slightly 
less efficient. (But unlikely to be meaningfully different.)

> I'm probably +0 -- but I do like comprehension syntax, and have often
> wanted a "side effect" comprehension:

Me too! I've sometimes wanted something to call a bunch of functions, or 
a single function with different arguments, solely for the side-effects.

Off-topic, but since you raised the issue... is there a standard 
functional programming term for a variant of map() that applies a single 
argument to a series of different functions?

    # regular map
    map(func, list_of_args)  # (func(arg) for arg in list_of_args)

    # variant map?
    map(arg, list_of_funcs)  # (func(arg) for func in list_of_funcs)

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