I just do this myself in my text editor (vim):
[image: sets-py.png]

But this is just cosmetic because I like to look at it this way.  The
actual file on disk contains `set()`, `<=`, `in`, `not in` and wouldn't be
a problem for anyone without the same fonts installed, or require anyone to
know odd key combos.

On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 8:35 AM Michael Smith <mich...@smith-li.com> wrote:

> Hmm, I think the idea of the mathematical symbol is interesting, but I
> think users are more interested in constructing a new, eventually-not-empty
> set, than referencing the empty set.
> Semantically, I don't know if ∅() is satisfying.
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 08:19 Stéfane Fermigier <s...@fermigier.com> wrote:
>> The “correct” (according to Bourbaki) mathematical notation for an empty
>> set is “∅" (aka Unicode U+2205, or HTML &empty;)
>> Some time ago, for a project which had a lot of empty sets, I tried to
>> use this symbol as a short hand for set(). But:
>> >>> ⦰ = set()
>>   File "<stdin>", line 1
>>     ⦰ = set()
>>     ^
>> SyntaxError: invalid character '⦰' (U+29B0)
>> >>> ø = set()
>> >>>
>> In other words, “⦰” is illegal as an identifier in Python (same for  ⌀
>> aka U+2300 DIAMETER SIGN), but “ø” (aka U+00F8 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH
>> STROKE) is legal !
>> So I used  "⌀" instead of “⦰”, but I eventually dropped the whole idea
>> because, IIRC, some tools weren’t too happy with it.
>> Still, I guess it wouldn’t be neither too hard nor two disruptive to
>> accept “⦰” as well as some other mathematical characters as identifiers in
>> Python.
>> Since once of the application domains where Python shines nowadays is
>> mathematics (numerical, but also symbolic), I think it’s a shame that we
>> are preventing to use the proper unicode characters to designate some
>> universal mathematical objects.
>> More info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_sign
>>   S.
>> On 13 Mar 2022 at 22:52:16, joao.p.f.batista...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Currently:
>>> l = [] # new empty list
>>> t = () # new empty tuple
>>> s = set() # new empty set (no clean and consistent way of initializing
>>> regarding the others) <<<
>>> d = {} # new empty dictionary
>>> Possible solution:
>>> s = {} # new empty set
>>> d = {:} # new empty dictionary (the ":" is a reference to key-value
>>> pairs)
>>> Current workaround at least for consistency:
>>> l = list() # new empty list
>>> t = tuple() # new empty tuple
>>> s = set() # new empty set
>>> d = dict() # new empty dictionary
>>> However, it doesn't feel right to not be able to initialize an empty set
>>> as cleanly and consistently as lists, tuples and dictionaries in both forms.
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