On Mon, 4 Apr 2022 at 14:13, Ricky Teachey <ri...@teachey.org> wrote:
> This is really similar to what pint does already (except it uses the 
> multiplication syntax if course).
> What does that idea bring other than being able to say:
> 5.0m
> (m registered in a previously run module)
> .... instead of:
> 5.0*m
> (m an object imported in a previously run module)
> ?

A large amount of clarity, readability, and namespacing (you don't
have to pollute your global namespace with a large number of
single-letter names, since these tokens will ONLY have meaning when
immediately following an int or float literal).

> Makes sense to me.
>> (Also, I don't really see a lot of point in making feet-and-inches
>> minorly less complicated, given that people should be trying to use
>> metric anyway.)
> They're almost all I use professionally. I graduated college in 2010 and have 
> almost never used centimeters or millimeters since then. "Shoulds" aside, 
> feet and inches are not going away and any unit system needs to make them 
> first class and easy to use or it will be extremely painful for large chunks 
> of progressional engineers.
> But 5ft+4in is fine.

Yeah - if it were clunkier than that, I would be more sympathetic to
the "feet and inches are important" crowd, but the cost is a single
addition operator. (Though there's still the question of what unit
"5ft+4in" is - is it fractional feet or a large number of inches? Or
is it a number of meters? But that's something a library can decide.)

> I like and think I understand most of what you're saying here. I think much 
> of this has been thought through and solved by the pint library, and some 
> others. Having a "slot" to natively associate a unit tag with numerical 
> values, and syntax support with defined semantics, could be a big win. 
> Leaving the "now let's make decisions about behavior" part to 3rd parties 
> makes sense to me.
> But what superpower does bringing the notion of tagging things into the 
> native language bring for us if all the tag does is call a function that 
> returns a thing?
> It almost just sounds like a postfix function call syntax to me.

Ultimately, EVERYTHING can be seen as just a function call in
disguise. Why do we have subscripting when we could just have a method
to return the Nth item from a list? Etcetera.

What this brings is not a superpower, but simple clarity. We have
imaginary literals because they make code more readable; in theory, we
could just have a variable called "j" (or "i" if you prefer) which you
multiply by something and add something, and that's your complex
number. But it's cleaner to write "3+4j".

If this were accepted, I would fully expect that libraries like pint
would adopt it, so this example:

>>> 3 * ureg.meter + 4 * ureg.cm
<Quantity(3.04, 'meter')>

could look like this:

>>> 3m + 4cm
<Quantity(3.04, 'meter')>

with everything behaving the exact same after that point. Which would
YOU prefer to write in your source code, assuming they have the same
run-time behaviour?

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