David, when you exaggerate the strength of your argument, you make all 
of us look bad. Like this:

> Can you think of ANY context in Python in which the order of items in
> parentheses isn't important?!

Sure: operator.add(1, 2) == operator.add(2, 1)

For that matter, there are plenty of mixins where

    class C(A, B)
    class C(B, A)

*are* equivalent. It is just that in general they aren't.

We had a reasonable argument, that in general the order of arguments 
matter. But by asking for *even one single counter-example*, or in your 
words "ANY", you undercut that message.

In any case, I think this discussion about the order of declaration for 
superclasses is a distraction. How else are we going to declare 
superclasses except in a sequence, left to right?

And the order of inheritance does matter in general. It makes a 
difference whether you call the superclass methods in this order:

    A.method()  # copy data from temporary files to the database
    B.method()  # delete temporary files

or in this order:

    B.method()  # delete temporary files
    A.method()  # copy data from temporary files to the database

So in the general case, order matters. We have to linearize the 
superclasses, and call them in that linear order, and the best way to do 
that is with the MRO and super.

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