Matthias Görgens wrote:
> > If the target of the call isn't in an appropriate state, isn't that a
> > bug in the constructor that it allows you to construct objects that are
> > in an invalid state?
> > You should fix the object so that it is never in an invalid state rather
> > than blaming the caller.
> > You can't really do that with files that have been closed.
> Unless you disallow manual closing of files altogether.
> That being said, I'd suggest that people raise custom exception, so your
> callers can catch exactly what they want to handle.
> An generic exception like ValueError or the proposed InvalidStateError
> could be thrown by almost anything you call in your block, instead of just
> what you actually intend to catch.

It depends on context whether it makes sense to define a custom exception, and 
I agree that I frequently should define a custom exception. In that case 
though, it would still be nice to have an appropriate generic exception for 
that to inherit from, just as I would inherit from `ValueError` for a special 
case of a value error.
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