On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 2:35 AM Jelle Zijlstra <jelle.zijls...@gmail.com>

> El jue, 22 jun 2023 a las 8:22, Randolf Scholz (<randolf.sch...@gmail.com>)
> escribió:
>> Dataclasses should provide a way to ignore a type hinted attributes, and
>> not consider them as fields.
>> For example, some attributes might be derived during `__post_init__` from
>> the values of the fields or other variables.
>> If one wants to still type hint these attributes, one has to awkward
>> workarounds to avoid having dataclass interpret them as fields. (
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76532816)
>> I propose `NON_FIELDS` sentinel, analogous to `KW_ONLY`. (alternative
>> name suggestions welcome). when writing a dataclass, all attributes after
>> this sentinel are ignored and not considered fields.
>> ```
>> @dataclass
>> class Foo:
>>     field0: int
>>     field1: int
>>     _: KW_ONLY
>>    fieldN: int
>>     _: NON_FIELDS
>>     attr0: int   # @dataclass will ignore this type hint.
> How is this different from `attr0: int = field(init=False)`?

attr0 would be listed as a `field` in the introspectable attributes of the
dataclass in this way.
That is why I did not suggest that in my initial answer to Randolf on

I like the dataclasses.attribute idea, though - (but it will also require
static type checking tools to review their
dataclass special casing - it looks like there is no escape from that).

>> ```
>> Additionally one could consider adding an `attribute` typing construct,
>> such that `attr0: attribute[int]` would mark it as a non-field attribute.
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