2023-09-12 7:10 UTC+02:00, Dom Grigonis <dom.grigo...@gmail.com>:
> I don’t think your example depicts the ambiguity well.
> 1. is the correct parsing of the Original1, 2. is the correct parsing of
> Original2 and 3. is not correct for either of those.
> Original1
>> while a < b (x := c) - 42
> Original2
>> while a < b(x := c) - 42

They're the same. AFAIK `foo(...)` and `foo (...)` are parsed exactly
the same way. A space in this place is irrelevant. And it's unlikely
to change in the next few decades.

> 1. In this case, it’s obviously this one
>> while a < b:
>>    (x := c) - 42

Why tho? Why would this one be more obvious than the other
alternatives? What would be the rules to decide? If I may quote the
PEP 20:
> In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

> 2. In here your removed the space, which is not ambiguity, but rather
> mistype
Again, the space in this place doesn't matter. I removed it to show
more explicitely how it could be parsed.

> 3. Same as in 2. But also, this is not an option, because if there was no
> indent on the next line, then body exists. So this is incorrect.
>> Or:
>> while a < b(x := c) - 42:
>>    # ???

I actually think this is the better parsing of the three: a SyntaxError.

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