On Mon, 2010-04-19 at 12:12 -0300, ygormu...@dcc.ufba.br wrote:
> Michael Ströder <mich...@stroeder.com>:
> > Just raising DeprecationWarning exception breaks existing code. I have to
> > reject your patch. ;-)
> I understand.
> > I've checked in a solution which only outputs a warning (just like  
> > md5.py does
> > in recent Python releases). So old code should still work.
> I agree that this is a better solution for now.
> BTW, python-ldap looks a little bit complicated to use. I wonder if it  
> has other functions just like ldap.open, making the API look more  
> complicated than it actually is. I think it would be nice for  
> python-ldap to have a major release with a simpler API.
> I'll write a smaller API on top of python-ldap to ease the most  
> frequent use cases (simple authentication, searching, etc). If you  
> like the idea, maybe we can work together on it.

As an LDAP admin for more than a decade.... this is nearly impossible to
do without loosing generality [especially authentication; and I expect
most applications implement an 'authentication' class anyway].

A search is a single method call, which seems pretty simple to me.

Perhaps you should look at the ldaphelper module created by Butcher.

It simplifies a few things, at minimal expense.

> PS: Sorry for the bad english.

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