
When i delete a Member Uid attr form an entry with Luma, my python ldap
client receive a sync data, but how to get Sync State Control Value who
says that a deletion occurs (sync state value = 3).

I need to know what modification was made, add, delete, modify ?
Also why sever controls field is empty in the output and those controls
appear at the last elements of result data ?

I am using python-ldap version 2.4.0 and openldap version 2.4.23

Thanks for your answers.

==== THE CODE ====

import _ldap, ldap
import logging
import pprint
import re
import sys
import struct

import _ldap
from ldap.controls import LDAPControl
from ldap.cidict import cidict

class SyncStateControl(LDAPControl):
    The Sync State Control is an LDAP Control [RFC4511] where the
    controlType is the object identifier and the
    controlValue, an OCTET STRING, contains a BER-encoded syncStateValue.
    The criticality is FALSE.

      syncStateValue ::= SEQUENCE {
          state ENUMERATED {
              present (0),
              add (1),
              modify (2),
              delete (3)
          entryUUID syncUUID,
          cookie    syncCookie OPTIONAL

    The Sync State Control is only applicable to SearchResultEntry and
    SearchResultReference Messages.
    controlType = ''

    def __init__(self, controlType='',
                 criticality=False, controlValue=None,

        LDAPControl.__init__(self, self.controlType, criticality,
                             controlValue, encodedControlValue)

    def encodeControlValue(self, value):
        print 'STATE encode'

    def decodeControlValue(self, value):
        print 'STATE decode'

class SyncDoneControl(LDAPControl):
    The Sync Done Control is an LDAP Control [RFC4511] where the
    controlType is the object identifier and the
    controlValue contains a BER-encoded syncDoneValue.  The criticality
    is FALSE (and hence absent).

      syncDoneValue ::= SEQUENCE {
          cookie          syncCookie OPTIONAL,
          refreshDeletes  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE

    The Sync Done Control is only applicable to the SearchResultDone
    controlType = ''

    def __init__(self, controlType='',
                 criticality=False, controlValue=None,

        LDAPControl.__init__(self, self.controlType, criticality,
                             controlValue, encodedControlValue)

    def encodeControlValue(self, value):
        print 'DONE encode'

    def decodeControlValue(self, value):
        print 'DONE decode'

class SyncRequestControl(LDAPControl):
  # The Sync Request Control is an LDAP Control [RFC4511] where the
  # controlType is the object identifier and the
  # controlValue, an OCTET STRING, contains a BER-encoded
  # syncRequestValue.  The criticality field is either TRUE or FALSE.
  #   syncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE {
  #     mode ENUMERATED {
  #                      -- 0 unused
  #                      refreshOnly       (1),
  #                      -- 2 reserved
  #                      refreshAndPersist (3)
  #     },
  #     cookie     syncCookie OPTIONAL,
  #     reloadHint BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
  #   }
  # The Sync Request Control is only applicable to the SearchRequest


  def __init__(self, controlType='',
               controlValue=None, encodedControlValue=None):
    ldap.controls.LDAPControl.__init__(self, self.controlType, criticality,
                                       controlValue, encodedControlValue)

  def encodeControlValue(self, value):
    # 30 31          Sequence tag (len=0x31)
    #       0a 01 01 Enumerated (len=0x01) value 0x01 (RefreshOnly)
    #       04 2C    Octet String (len=0x2C) value 'csn=...,rid=000'
    #                63 73 6e 3d 32 30 30 39 30 33 31 36 31 39 35 35
    #                30 39 5a 23 30 30 30 30 30 30 23 30 30 23 30 30
    #                30 30 30 30 2c 72 69 64 3d 30 30 30
    # return value
    mode, cookie, reload_hint = value

    # Enumerated (len=0x01) value 0x01 (RefreshOnly)
    result_content = struct.pack('BBB', 0x0A, 0x01, mode)

    # Octet String (optional)
    if cookie:
      result_content += struct.pack('BB', 0x04, len(cookie))
      result_content += cookie

    # Boolean (optional)
    if reload_hint:
      result_content += struct.pack('BBB', 0x01, 0x01, 0xFF)

    # Sequence tag
    result_header = struct.pack('BB', 0x30, len(result_content))

    return result_header + result_content

ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION3)
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
ldap.controls.knownLDAPControls[SyncRequestControl.controlType] =
ldap.controls.knownLDAPControls[SyncStateControl.controlType]   =
ldap.controls.knownLDAPControls[SyncDoneControl.controlType]    =

conn = ldap.initialize('ldap://localhost', trace_level=0)
cookie = ''

cv = (3, cookie, False)
sync_req_ctrl=SyncRequestControl(criticality=False, controlValue=cv)
server_ctrls = (sync_req_ctrl,)

base =
op_id  = conn.search_ext(base,
                         '(objectClass=*)', [ '*', '+' ],
                         serverctrls = server_ctrls )

res_type, res_data, res_msgid, srv_ctrls, resp_name, resp_value =
print "res_type <%s>: "%res_type

while res_type:
    print "res_type <%s>: "%res_type
    print "res_data <%s>: "%pprint.pformat(res_data)
    print "res_msgid <%s>: "%res_msgid
    print "srv_ctrls <%s>: "%srv_ctrls
    print "resp_name <%s>: "%resp_name
    print "resp_value <%s>: "%resp_value
    print ''
    res_type, res_data, res_msgid, srv_ctrls, resp_name, resp_value =

==== THE OUTPUT ====

### Here The full synchronization because we send no cookie ####

res_type <100>:
res_type <100>:
   'createTimestamp': ['20110301165220Z'],
   'entryCSN': ['20110303171738.236445Z#000000#002#000000'],
   'entryUUID': ['c9446cba-d14e-47ab-bf95-5f08d5f85ea1'],
   'gidNumber': ['22035'],
   'hasSubordinates': ['FALSE'],
   'memberUid': ['memberUid 1', 'Member Uid 2', 'Member Uid 3'],
   'modifyTimestamp': ['20110303171738Z'],
   'subschemaSubentry': ['cn=Subschema']},


res_msgid <1>:
srv_ctrls <[]>:
resp_name <None>:
resp_value <None>:

#### LAST Entry is an Intermediate result: Note that server controls are
empty !  ####

res_type <121>:
res_data <[(121,
res_msgid <1>:
srv_ctrls <[]>:
resp_name <None>:
resp_value <None>:

#### AFTER A MemberUID deletion. Again Note that server ctrls are empty !

res_type <100>:
   'createTimestamp': ['20110301165220Z'],
   'entryCSN': ['20110303171931.545263Z#000000#002#000000'],
   'entryUUID': ['c9446cba-d14e-47ab-bf95-5f08d5f85ea1'],
   'gidNumber': ['22035'],
   'hasSubordinates': ['FALSE'],
   'memberUid': ['memberUid 1', 'Member Uid 2'],  ### DELETION of Member
Uid 3
   'modifyTimestamp': ['20110303171931Z'],
   'subschemaSubentry': ['cn=Subschema']},


res_msgid <1>:
srv_ctrls <[]>:
resp_name <None>:
resp_value <None>:

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