Zhang Huangbin wrote:
> On Mar 5, 2011, at 2:45 AM, Michael Ströder wrote:
>> Again it's time to think about the minimum required version of OpenLDAP libs
>> to be used for building upcoming python-ldap 2.4.0.
> Does it mean py-ldap-2.4.0 won't support OpenLDAP-2.3.x series?


> Debian 5, RHEL/CentOS 5 ships OpenLDAP-2.3.x.

Well, python-ldap 2.3.x will still be around. So if you're using this distros
you have to stick with python-ldap 2.3.x which IMHO is sufficient to run the
applications implemented on top of python-ldap so far. Applications requiring
new features will need new python-ldap and therefore newer OpenLDAP libs. This
is a common practice.

> I don't think it's a good strategy to force sys admin to compile/install
> openldap-2.4 on  production server, if they want to update openldap, they
> have to compile again and again.

Well, as said: If you don't want to compile on systems you won't install new
python-ldap 2.4 anyway on these old systems.

Ciao, Michael.

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