I promised I'd put together a PEP for a 'generic object' data type for Python 2.5 that allows one to replace __getitem__ style access with dotted-attribute style access (without declaring another class). Any comments would be appreciated!



Title: Generic Object Data Type
Version: $Revision: 1.0 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2004/11/29 16:00:00 $
Author: Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 29-Nov-2004
Python-Version: 2.5
Post-History: 29-Nov-2004

Abstract ========

This PEP proposes a standard library addition to support the simple
creation of 'generic' objects which can be given named attributes
without the need to declare a class. Such attribute-value mappings are
intended to complement the name-value mappings provided by Python's
builtin dict objects.

Motivation ==========

Python's dict objects provide a simple way of creating anonymous
name-value mappings. These mappings use the __getitem__ protocol to
access the value associated with a name, so that code generally appears


Occasionally, a programmer may decide that dotted-attribute style access
is more appropriate to the domain than __getitem__ style access, and
that their mapping should be accessed like::


Currently, if a Python programmer makes this design decision, they are
forced to declare a new class, and then build instances of this class.
When no methods are to be associated with the attribute-value mappings,
declaring a new class can be overkill.  This PEP proposes adding a
simple type to the standard library that can be used to build such
attribute-value mappings.

Providing such a type allows the Python programmer to determine which
type of mapping is most appropriate to their domain and apply this
choice with minimal effort.  Some of the suggested uses include:

Returning Named Results -----------------------

It is often appropriate for a function that returns multiple items to
give names to the different items returned.  The type suggested in this
PEP provides a simple means of doing this that allows the returned
values to be accessed in the usual attribute-style access::

    >>> def f(x):
    ...     return Bunch(double=2*x, squared=x**2)
    >>> y = f(10)
    >>> y.double
    >>> y.squared

Representing Hierarchical Data ------------------------------

The type suggested in this PEP also allows a simple means of
representing hierarchical data that allows attribute-style access::

    >>> x = Bunch(spam=Bunch(rabbit=1, badger=[2, 3, 4]), ham='neewom')
    >>> x.spam.badger
    [2, 3, 4]
    >>> x.ham

Rationale =========

As Bunch objects are intended primarily to replace simple classes,
simple Bunch construction was a primary concern.  As such, the Bunch
constructor supports creation from keyword arguments, dicts, and
sequences of (attribute, value) pairs::

    >>> Bunch(eggs=1, spam=2, ham=3)
    Bunch(eggs=1, ham=3, spam=2)
    >>> Bunch({'eggs':1, 'spam':2, 'ham':3})
    Bunch(eggs=1, ham=3, spam=2)
    >>> Bunch([('eggs',1), ('spam',2), ('ham',3)])
    Bunch(eggs=1, ham=3, spam=2)

To allow attribute-value mappings to be easily combined, the update
method of Bunch objects supports similar arguments.

If Bunch objects are used to represent hierarchical data, comparison of
such objects becomes a concern.  For this reason, Bunch objects support
object equality::

    >>> x = Bunch(parrot=Bunch(lumberjack=True, spam=42), peng='shrub')
    >>> y = Bunch(peng='shrub', parrot=Bunch(spam=42, lumberjack=True))
    >>> z = Bunch(parrot=Bunch(lumberjack=True), peng='shrub')
    >>> x == y
    >>> x == z

Additionally, to allow users of the Bunch type to convert other
hierarchical data into Bunch objects, a frommapping classmethod is
supported.  This can be used, for example, to convert an XML DOM tree
into a tree of nested Bunch objects::

    >>> import xml.dom.minidom
    >>> def getitems(element):
    ...     if not isinstance(element, xml.dom.minidom.Element):
    ...         raise TypeError('items only retrievable from Elements')
    ...     if element.attributes:
    ...         for key, value in element.attributes.items():
    ...             yield key, value
    ...     children = {}
    ...     for child in element.childNodes:
    ...         if child.nodeType == xml.dom.minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE:
    ...             text_list = children.setdefault('text', [])
    ...             text_list.append(child.nodeValue)
    ...         else:
    ...             children.setdefault(child.nodeName, []).append(
    ...                 Bunch.frommapping(child, getitems=getitems))
    ...     for name, child_list in children.items():
    ...         yield name, child_list
    >>> doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString("""\
    ... <xml>
    ...   <a attr_a="1">
    ...     a text 1
    ...     <b attr_b="2" />
    ...     <b attr_b="3"> b text </b>
    ...     a text 2
    ...   </a>
    ...   <c attr_c="4"> c text </c>
    ... </xml>""")
    >>> b = Bunch.frommapping(doc.documentElement, getitems=getitems)
    >>> b.a[0].b[1]
    Bunch(attr_b=u'3', text=[u' b text '])

Note that support for the various mapping methods, e.g.
__(get|set|del)item__, __len__, __iter__, __contains__, items, keys,
values, etc. was intentionally omitted as these methods did not seem to
be necessary for the core uses of an attribute-value mapping.  If such
methods are truly necessary for a given use case, this may suggest that
a dict object is a more appropriate type for that use.

Reference Implementation ========================

(This will be replaced with a link to a SF patch when I think I've
made all the necessary corrections)::

    import operator as _operator

    class Bunch(object):
        """Bunch([bunch|dict|seq], **kwds) -> new bunch with specified

        The new Bunch object's attributes are initialized from (if
        provided) either another Bunch object's attributes, a
        dictionary, or a sequence of (name, value) pairs, then from the
        name=value pairs in the keyword argument list.

        Example Usage:
        >>> Bunch(eggs=1, spam=2, ham=3)
        Bunch(eggs=1, ham=3, spam=2)
        >>> Bunch({'eggs':1, 'spam':2, 'ham':3})
        Bunch(eggs=1, ham=3, spam=2)
        >>> Bunch([('eggs',1), ('spam',2), ('ham',3)])
        Bunch(eggs=1, ham=3, spam=2)
        >>> Bunch(Bunch(eggs=1, spam=2), ham=3)
        Bunch(eggs=1, ham=3, spam=2)

        def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
            """Initializes a Bunch instance."""
            self.update(*args, **kwds)

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """x.__eq__(y) <==> x == y"""
            return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
                    and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)

        def __repr__(self):
            """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)

            If all attribute values in this bunch (and any nested
            bunches) are reproducable with eval(repr(x)), then the Bunch
            object is also reproducable for eval(repr(x)).
            return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__,
                               ', '.join('%s=%r' % (k, v)
                                         for k, v
                                         in self.__dict__.items()))

        def update(self, *args, **kwds):
            """update([bunch|dict|seq], **kwds) -> None

            Updates a Bunch object's attributes from (if provided)
            either another Bunch object's attributes, a dictionary, or a
            sequence of (name, value) pairs, then from the name=value
            pairs in the keyword argument list.
            if len(args) == 1:
                other, = args
                if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
                    other = other.__dict__
                except TypeError:
                    raise TypeError('cannot update Bunch with %s' %
            elif len(args) != 0:
                raise TypeError('expected 1 argument, got %i' %

        def frommapping(cls, mapping, getitems=None):
            """Create a Bunch object from a (possibly nested) mapping.

            Note that, unlike the Bunch constructor, frommapping
            recursively converts all mappings to bunches.

            Example Usage:
            >>> Bunch.frommapping({'eggs':1,
            ...                    'spam':{'ham':2, 'badger':3}})
            Bunch(eggs=1, spam=Bunch(ham=2, badger=3))

            Keyword Arguments:
            mapping -- a mapping object
            getitems -- a function that takes the mapping as a parameter
                and returns an iterable of (key, value) pairs.  If not
                provided, the items method on the mapping object will be
                used, or (key, mapping[key]) values will be generated if
                the mapping object does not provide an items method.

            Note that getitems will be applied recursively to each value
            in the mapping.  It should raise a TypeError if it is
            applied to an object for which it cannot produce
            (key, value) pairs.
            # determine which items() method to use
            if getitems is None:
                    getitems = type(mapping).items
                except AttributeError:
                    getitems = _items
            # build the Bunch from the mapping, recursively
            result = cls()
            for key, value in getitems(mapping):
                    value = cls.frommapping(value, getitems=getitems)
                except TypeError:
                setattr(result, key, value)
            return result

def _items(mapping): """Produces (key, value) pairs from a mapping object.

        Intended for use with mapping objects that do not supply an
        items method.
        for key in mapping:
            yield key, mapping[key]

Open Issues =========== What should the type be named? Some suggestions include 'Bunch', 'Record' and 'Struct'.

Where should the type be placed?  The current suggestion is the
collections module.

References ==========

.. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 End: -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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