On Sun, 12 Dec 2004, Dimitri Tcaciuc wrote:

> Hey everybody,
> While I'm not absolutely positive, it looks like Python still doesn't
> have any official mascot or logo.

Hmm... I thought it did - indeed it's in every character set (?):


For those who can't see the detail, it's an eel curled round, grinning.

> It is time Python gets an official face in the Net!

Ahh.. But it does - indeed by having the official logo above, it proves
that Python's advertising is so insidious that it's in every email. After
all it Sun with their JVM claimed the dot in dot com, it makes sense for
Python with the Python VM to claim the other important piece of
punctuation as a logo.

I believe that Apple will be adopting the double slash //, with go faster
stripes colouration, in the new year, and that unfortunately leaves
Microsoft with the colon.


(Nice piccy BTW ;)


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