What IDE's do y'all recommend for Python? I'm using PythonWin atm, but I'd like something with more functionality.
Oh god we're all going to die.

-chuckle- Hopefully I don't start off a full fledged war.-grin-

But er, ActiveState Komodo is quite nice IIRC (can't use it anymore as all my coding is commercial and I don't need it enough to spend that much cash on it) but EditPlus is nice once you get it setup but not very IDEy. Eclipse with one of the various Python modules is horrible don't bother. There is of course always Emacs, but again it's hardly Visual Studio (im only talking about the UI, emacs fans please dont flame me)

Personally my vote goes for Komodo, it's at least worth a try with a personal liscense.

Why didn't you like Eclipse? Was it that the Python modules were bad, or just Eclipse in general? I use it for my Java developement and haven't had any problems with it.


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