On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 19:30:37 +0000 (UTC), Axel Straschil
> > That's easy. Load the HTML in MS Word, and save it as RTF. Script it
> > via COM using the python win32all (I think that's what it's now
> > called) package.
> As I wrote in my posting and the subject: linux ;-)
> I could try to do this with open office, by I'm afraid this will not
> be a performant solution ;-(
> I realy was spending hour's on that, the only thing I found was a
> spezifikation for reach text, maybe a good point to start a project ...

I've been able to successfully get konqueror to generate a pdf from a
html file via dcop. It's something along the lines of:
% dcop konqueror-25827 html-widget1 print 1
You can launch konq in a xvfb (X Virtual Framebuffer) then communicate
via dcop to send commands to the browser (load this url, print this
page, etc).

I've been investigating doing the same feat using JS/XUL/etc in
mozilla. It probably is possible. There's lots of documentation about
the XPCOM api available from http://xulplanet.com/

As for converting to RTF, someone has already pointed out PyRTF.

Stephen Thorne

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