The wrapper objects needs to work as dictionary keys, to support
printing, concatenation/addition, getitem/setitem and such things...

In that case, identifying exactly which operations you want to support, and using a metaclass based approach like mine or Bengt's should work.

However, I highly recommend the 'opt-in' approach to delegating magic methods. As Bengt discovered, there are a number of them that can break your class badly if you inadvertently delegate them (e.g. if you delegate __new__ or __init__, your class cannot be instantiated).

The Python Language Reference can tell you which methods need to be delegated to support a given operation: http://docs.python.org/ref/specialnames.html

The delegation may still not be completely transparent, since the delegated methods may not know how to deal with your wrapper objects. So you may require calls to methods like int() or str() in your application code to make the types work out correctly.


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

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