Paul Rubin wrote:

Bulba! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I'll soon start development of a specialized small app and need to choose GUI for it.

I have narrowed the choice to wxPython/PythonCard and QT/PyQT

What does the app need to do? I'd try to make it web based unless
there's a good reason not to. That's even if it just runs on the
user's desktop; run the http listener on the localhost and let the
user connect to it with a browser.

I'm not sure I'd agree with this advice. It's easier than it used to be to put a good-looking web interface together, but considerably more difficult still than using either wxPython or PyQT. The web is still clunky for certain types of interaction, as you either have to completely redisplay after a server round-trip or closely co-ordinate client-side code to keep some interactions local to the client. This is a difficult compromise, and requires a lot of experience.

However, between those two you mention, wxPython seems easier to use
and runs on more platforms.  On the other hand, it may be less well
maintained than QT.  For example, its current installation script
seems to assume an older version of GTK is installed, and it fails
with newer GTK versions.

Both packages are maintained be people who know what they are doing. wxPython has had its issues over the years, but many of those have (I believe) been due to the instability of the underlying wxWindows (no wxWidgets) package, which in turn has often been due to the introduction of serious chunks of new functionality.

Personally I think that the choice may well come down to which API is closest to what Bulba has used in the past.

Both kits are well capable of handling everything a serious programmer would want to do. I personally think that wxPython gets closest to the native look-and-feel of the windowing platform, but that may just be my limited experience speaking.

Steve Holden     
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC      +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

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