Dear NG,

I have a (pretty much) "emberassingly parallel" problem and look for the right toolbox to parallelize it over a cluster of homogenous linux workstations. I don't need automatic loop-parallelization or the like since I prefer to prepare the work packets "by hand".
I simply need
- to specify a list of clients
- a means of sending a work packet to a free client and receiving the
result (hopefully automatically without need to login to each one)
- optionally a timeout mechanism if a client doesn't respond
- optionally help for debugging of remote clients

So far I've seen scipy's COW (cluster of workstation) package, but couldn't find documentation or even examples for it (and the small example in the code crashes...).
I've noticed PYRO as well, but didn't look too far yet.

Can someone recommend a parallelization approach? Are there examples or documentation? Has someone got experience with stability and efficiency?

Thanks a lot,


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