On 2004-12-20, Jean-Baptiste PERIN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know it has nothing to do with python ..
> It just makes me sad to see that python cannot get rid of Visual Studoi 
> to be extended.

That's got nothing to do with Python.  You have to compile
extensions using a compiler that has an ABI that's compatible
with the ABI of the compiler used to compile Python.

You appear to be using a binary distribution of Python that was
compiled with MSVS 6.0, therefore, you have to compile
extensions with a compiler that has an ABI compatible with MSVS

It's no use complaining to us bout your C compiler not being
ABI compatible with MSVS 6.0.

If you don't like MSVS, then your options are to either use a
different Python binary distro that was compiled with an ABI
that's compatible with your C compiler, or build just build it
yourself using whatever compiler you want. I suspect the latter
will also require re-compiling Blender.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Yow! Are we in the
                                  at               perfect mood?

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