Peter Otten wrote:
> Terry Reedy wrote:
>> 'separate' (se-parate == take a-part) and its derivatives are perhaps the
>> most frequently misspelled English word on clp.  Seems to be 'par' for the
>> course.  It has 2 e's bracketing 2 a's.  It derives from the Latin
>> 'parare', as does pare, so 'par' is the essential root of the word.
>> My gripe for the day, just to let non-native writers know what not to
>> imitate.
> I hereby suggest seperate/(separate+seperate) as the hamburger standard (see
> for technical
> communities. Some data points, adjectives only, s.e.e.o.:
> the web: 4%
> python: 9%
> slashdot: 26%
> perl: 29% *

How did you get these data points?


[Windows ist wie] die Bahn: Man muss sich um nichts kuemmern, zahlt fuer
jede Kleinigkeit einen Aufpreis, der Service ist mies, Fremde koennen
jederzeit einsteigen, es ist unflexibel und zu allen anderen Verkehrs-
mitteln inkompatibel.               -- Florian Diesch in dcoulm

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