Rameshwari wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to read a ms-word document using python.
> Basically the word document contains number of tables  and the rows
> in each table do not have same number of columns.
> Does anyone have a sample code to read a table?
> Thank you
> Best Regards,
> Rameshwari

The following code should return a list of list of lists 
(tables->table->rows->cells) for the active document in
Microsoft Word. 

Warning! Untested code

import win32com.client

def GetTables():
    app = win32com.client.Dispatch('Word.Application')
    doc = app.Documents[0]
    tables = []
    for word_table in doc.Tables:
        table = []
        for word_row in word_table.Rows:
            row = [cell.Range.Text for cell in word_row.Cells]
    return tables

Andrew Henshaw
Georgia Tech Research Institute

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