Doug Holton wrote:
Hans Nowak wrote:

"this is comp.lang.python, not"

Which is obviously not the same as "Boo should not be mentioned on this newsgroup".

I used the exact same phrase in another note except using the term "logo" instead of "boo", and that is the exact interpretation I immediately received from others - they felt I was censuring the discussion here, as I felt you were.

Maybe they felt that way because, in your case, it was followed by the innocent little sentence "Please refrain from discussing topics not related to CPython."?

 > The discussion with Logo and other languages in it was off-topic too,
 > but it wasn't offensive to anyone.

I'm not going to dignify that or the rest of your note with a response.

No, by all means, let's ignore any pieces of a post that might lead to constructive discussion.

Well, it's been fun, but I really don't have time for this. If we cannot end this thread with some kind of mutual understanding, then I will end it unilaterally. You have the dubious honor of being the first person in my killfile since 1997.

Hans Nowak


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