
I've already posted an announcement in comp.lang.python.announce
about this, but for those who were at Europython and remember me
giving a lightning talk on Kamaelia who don't read c.l.p.a - this
is just a quick note to say that we've been given the go ahead to
release it as open source and that it's now on sourceforge here:

   * http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/

Essentially the bottom line idea is it's designed as a testbed
platform for building network servers, and specifically new
protocols. The reason for not using twisted is to try an alternate
approach is to see whether an alternate approach has any benefits.
(twisted is a better option if you just want something scalable
in python right now of course!)

The approach we've taken for concurrency is essentially lots of
small components communicating in CSP/Occam like manner. Each
component is a python generator, with extra attributes inboxes/outboxes
which act as queues/buffers. Interesting systems are then composed
by linking outboxes to inboxes allowing data to flow through the

For the moment the code is only available via anonymous CVS checkout,
but we'll probably start having nightly CVS snapshots at some point

Merry Christmas,

British Broadcasting Corporation, Research and Development
Kingswood Warren, Surrey KT20 6NP

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