On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 17:03:55 -0200, Gabriel Cosentino de Barros
> On the "Best GUI for small-scale accounting app?" tread some people
> mentioned jython. I went to read about it, but i was wondering if anyone has
> any real project done with it and can give real world comments about
> performance. 
> Thanks, 
> Gabriel 
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

I've been very happy with it's performance, after the one-time
interpreter startup. Currently, I am using Jython embedded in a large
Web Application, with Struts actions defined in Jython working with
Java Beans managed by a Hibernate back end. The Jython-beans
interoperability makes this very simple, and I'm not seeing an
appreciable performance difference between the Jython actions and the
pure Java actions.

Sean Blakey
Saint of Mild Amusement, Evil Genius, Big Geek
Python/Java/C++/C(Unix/Windows/Palm/Web) developer
quine = ['print "quine =",quine,"; exec(quine[0])"'] ; exec(quine[0])

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