I wrote:
Kent Johnson wrote:

You can do the same thing using a PYTHONSTARTUP file - see http://docs.python.org/tut/node4.html#SECTION004240000000000000000

You can change the prompts with
import sys
sys.ps1 = ' >>> '
sys.ps2 = ' ... '

Very cool. I didn't know about this. Does anyone know how to make it work with Pythonwin[1]?

Solved my own problem here. For anyone else out there using PythonWin, the solution that worked for me is to put the following (or whatever customizations you want) in a sitecustomize.py somewhere on my PYTHONPATH:

import sys
sys.ps1 = 'py> '
sys.ps2 = '... '

PythonWin (as well as my Command Prompt python) now has the above prompts.


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