4) The printf-style formatting is powerful, but I still think it's quite complex for usual purposes, and I usually have to look its syntax in the docs. I think the Pascal syntax is nice and simpler to remember (especially for someone with a little Pascal/Delphi experience ^_^), it uses two ":" to format the floating point numbers (the second :number is optional). For example this Delphi program:
{$APPTYPE CONSOLE} const a = -12345.67890; begin writeln(a); writeln(a:2:0); writeln(a:4:2); writeln(a:4:20); writeln(a:12:2); end.
Gives: -1.23456789000000E+0004 -12346 -12345.68 -12345.67890000000000000000 -12345.68 (The last line starts with 3 spaces)
Even after looking at your example, I have no idea what the two numbers on each side of the :'s do. The last number appears to be the number of decimal places to round to, but I don't know what the first number does.
Since I can't figure it out intuitively (even with examples), I don't think this syntax is any less inscrutable than '%<width>.<decimals>f'. My suspicion is that you're just biased by your previous use of Pascal. (Note that I never used Pascal or enough C to use string formatting before I used Python, so I'm less biased than others may be in this situation.)
6) map( function, list, ...) applies function to every item of list and return a list of the results. If list is a nested data structure, map applies function to just the upper level objects. In Mathematica there is another parameter to specify the "level" of the apply.
So: map(str, [[1,[2]], 3]) ==> ['[1, [2]]', '3']
With a hypothetical level (default level = 1, it gives the normal Python map):
map(str, [[1,[2]], 3], level=1) ==> ['[1, [2]]', '3']
map(str, [[1,[2]], 3], level=2) ==> ['1', '[2]', '3']
I think this semantic can be extended: level=0 means that the map is performed up to the leaves (0 means infinitum, this isn't nice, but it can be useful because I think Python doesn't contain a built-in Infinite). level=-1 means that the map is performed to the level just before the leaves. Level=-n means that the map is performed n levels before the leaves.
This packs two things into map -- the true mapping behavior (applying a function to a list) and the flattening of a list. Why don't you lobby for a builtin flatten instead? (Also, Google for flatten in the python-list -- you should find a recent thread about it.)
10) There can be something in the middle between the def statement and the lambda. For example it can be called "fun" (or it can be called "def" still). With it maybe both def and lambdas aren't necessary anymore. Examples: cube = fun x: return x**3 (the last line is indented)
sorted(data, fun x,y: return x-y) (Probably now it's almost impossible to modify this in the language.)
Google the python-list for 'anonymous function' or 'anyonymous def' and you'll find a ton of discussion about this kind of thing. I'll note only that your first example gains nothing over
def cube(x): return x**3
and that your second example gains nothing over
sorted(data, lambda x, y: return x-y)
sorted(data, operator.sub)
11) This is just a wild idea for an alternative syntax to specify a global variable inside a function. From:
def foo(x): global y y = y + 2 (the last two lines are indented)
def foo(x): global.y = global.y + 2
Well, you can do:
def foo(x): globals()['y'] = globals()['y'] + 2
Not exactly the same syntax, but pretty close.
13) In Mathematica language the = has the same meaning of Python, but := is different:
lhs := rhs assigns rhs to be the delayed value of lhs. rhs is maintained in an unevaluated form. When lhs appears, it is replaced by rhs, evaluated afresh each time.
I don't know if this can be useful...
You can almost get this behavior with lambdas, e.g.:
x = lambda: delayed_expression()
then you can get a new instance of the expression by simply doing:
new_instance = x()
I know this isn't exactly what you're asking for, but this is one current possibility that does something similar. You might also look at:
which suggests a simpler syntax for this kind of usage.
Steve -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list