Hello me, Have you tried shlex.py it is a tokenizer for writing lexical parsers. Should be a breeze to whip something up with it. an example of tokenizing: py>import shlex py># fake an open record py>import cStringIO py>myfakeRecord = cStringIO.StringIO() py>myfakeRecord.write("['1','2'] \n 'fdfdfdfd' \n 'dfdfdfdfd' ['1','2']\n") py>myfakeRecord.seek(0) py>lexer = shlex.shlex(myfakeRecord)
py>lexer.get_token() '[' py>lexer.get_token() '1' py>lexer.get_token() ',' py>lexer.get_token() '2' py>lexer.get_token() ']' py>lexer.get_token() 'fdfdfdfd' You can do a lot with it that is just a teaser. M.E.Farmer -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list