On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 01:41:13 +0100, Bulba! wrote:

> One of the posters inspired me to do profiling on my newbie script (pasted
> below). After measurements I have found that the speed of Python, at least
> in the area where my script works, is surprisingly high.
> This is the experiment: a script recreates the folder hierarchy somewhere
> else and stores there the compressed versions of files from source
> hierarchy (the script is doing additional backups of the disk of file
> server at the company where I work onto other disks, with compression for
> sake of saving space). The data was:

I did not study your script but odds are it is strongly disk bound.

This means that the disk access time is so large that it completely swamps
almost everything else. 

I would point out a couple of other ideas, though you may be aware of
them: Compressing all the files seperately, if they are small, may greatly
reduce the final compression since similarities between the files can not
be exploited. You may not care. Also, the "zip" format can be updated on a
file-by-file basis; it may do all by itself what you are trying to do,
with just a single command line. Just a thought.

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