Mike Meyer wrote:

> Or - and much safer when dealing with floating point numbers - iterate
> over integers and generate your float values:
> for j in range(1, 9):
>     i = j * .25
>     print "%9.2f" % i

There's a glitch there, though - should be range(1, 10).


PS: I'm wondering whether my genexp approach or this one is preferable.
Readability is equal, I would say, but how about speed?

Brought up a few timeits:

Python 2.3

for i in [x/4.0 for x in range(1, 10)]:   36,9 sec

for j in range(1, 10): i = j * 0.25:      33,7 sec

Python 2.4

for i in (x/4.0 for x in range(1, 10)):   32,5 sec

for j in range(1, 10): i = j * 0.25:      28,4 sec

So what does that tell us?
(a) don't use genexps where there is a simpler approach
(b) Py2.4 rocks!


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