PyXR 0.9.4 - Cross-Referenced HTML from Python Source

PyXR generates pretty-printed HTML pages from python source files to make 
source browsing easier.  It provides extensive cross-referencenced hyperlinks 
that integrate with the Python Library Reference as well as other python source 
files.  Its cross-referencing capabilities are vastly superior to other source 
pretty-printing packages that I've seen.

0.9.4 provides compatibility with the new language semantics in Python 2.4 and 
addresses changes to the format of the Library Reference Manual, in addition to 
a littany of smaller fixes.  Previous versions WILL NOT work with python 2.4.  
This release does provide backward compatibility to python versions as early as 
2.2 and should work on all major OSes.

PyXR is available for download here:

PyXR'ed markup of Python 2.4's source is available here:

Detailed release notes are available here:



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