On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 14:23:07 +0800, Craig Ringer
> On Sun, 2005-01-02 at 11:31, jcollins wrote:
> > Is there a command in Python to clear the screen?  That is without writing
> > multiple blank lines.
> Without knowing what 'screen' you're talking about, it's hard to say. If
> you mean clearing a terminal, you can call 'tput clear' or
> '/usr/bin/clear' on many UNIX systems; no idea about Windows.

On Windows the DOS CLS command will clear a command prompt, it
also works for CP/M and VAX terminals too. Finally I think the
curses module allows you to clear a window, including the main
window - ie the terminal screen.

In each case run CLS (or clear) via os.system()

But the bottom line is that there is no builtin command 
because the mechanism is different on each platform.

Alan G.
Author of the Learn to Program website

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