gabriele renzi wrote:

Mike Thompson ha scritto:

'Seaside' is a Smalltalk framework for what might be called "Modal Web Development" or "Synchronous Web Programming", or even "Continuation Based Web Apps".

Very sexy it looks too. And it seems to be generating a lot of interest - Ruby and Java variants have already sprung up:

actually, there are also implementations in Scheme, Common Lisp (UnCommonWeb) and Cocoon-FLOW has similar concepts.
And somewhere (I think on the portland pattern repository) I recall reading that Viaweb (aka "the first web app") was written in CPS. Also notice that the Wee project in ruby is more advanced that Borges.

I googled for the python spin-off but didn't find one. Closest I found was Imposter ( which looks like an earlier, partially failed attempt to do what Seaside now seems to be delivering.

I think "independent" more than earlier, it seem many people are reinventing this from time to time.
Anyway, I just wanted to point out that IIRC something on this lines appeared recently in the nevow svn tree, maybe you can take a look.

I did actually do some sort-of-related work in this area, which I presented at PyCon DC 2004 - you can access the paper at

An audience member mentioned the Smalltalk and Scheme-based work on web continuation frameworks, and I was sorry my answer at the time seemed unduly dismissive. There are some interesting similarities, and though my own implementation is decidedly clunky I like to think the paper explains some of the advantages of maintaining state and why the "back" button is an obnoxious anachronism :-)

Steve Holden     
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC      +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

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