Hello All,
I am trying to convince my client to use Python in his new product. He
is worried about the license issues. Can somebody there to point me any
good commercial applications developed using python ?. The licence
clearly says Python can be used for commercial applications. Is there
any other implications like that of GPL to make the source open ?
Thanks for any help.

No. The Python license explicitly allows you to distribute derived works (i.e. Python applications including the standard compiler, or modified versions of the compiler) without obliging you to disclose the source code in the way that the GPL does.

The only obligation the license places on you are

a) You must retain the original copyright notices and
b) If you *do* distribute modified versions, you must include a brief description of your modifications.

I believe the Python License Version 2, as found at


is about as simple as a license can get, yet still the Foundation receives inquiries from people whose lawyers are unconvinced there are no hidden problems. Of course, IANAL, so the lawyers could be right, but at least the INTENT is pretty obvious.

Also beware if you plan to use "The Python License" for your own software, and read


if you are thinking of doing so. Of course, there are many contributions which were licensed to the Foundation for inclusion in the distribution. The Foundation is currently in the process of regularizing the "license stack" thus created, by negotiating with individual contributors to ensure that a compatible license is initially granted to the PSF.

Nothing is currently believed to prohibit the Foundation from licensing current releases on the terms that it does, but I should include a disclaimer that this is *not* an official statement from the Foundation, rather an explanation from one of its directors (an all-too-fallible human being) about what's lately been happening in the licensing space.

Steve Holden               http://www.holdenweb.com/
Python Web Programming  http://pydish.holdenweb.com/
Holden Web LLC      +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

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