On Tue, 4 Jan 2005, Batista, Facundo wrote:

Maybe OP doesn't yet fully comprehend the ways of Python universe?

As for his claims, I am quite surprised that Python lacks
something in the docs.

Concerning better hierarchy in the standard library, it is interesting
that there are some movements in this direction: xml package,
email package, etc. Probably Iwan thinks that letting more
"hierachiesness" into std lib Python will be "cleaner".
Yes, it will probably look "more organized" this way, but
I do not like the idea:

 import time.time
 import time.calendar
 import web.url.openers
 import net.http
 import datatypes.string
 import textprocessing.re


> [Iwan van der Kleyn]
> #- need: a better standard ide, an integrated db interface with
> #- a proper
> #- set of db drivers (!!), a better debugger, a standard widget/windows
> #- toolkit, something akin to a standard for web programming, better
> #- documentation, a standard lib which is better organized, a
> #- formalized
> #- set of protocols and patterns for program construction. And an
> #- interpreter which is fast enough to avoid using C or Pyrex in most
> #- obvious cases.
> Let's take one by one:
> - IDE: Better than what? Than IDLE? Than Eclipse? Than SPE? Than Pythonwin?
> - Integrated DB interface with a proper set of db drivers (what means the
> "!!"?): What do you mean with an integrated db interface? An standard API to
> access different DB engines? Something like the Database API specification
> (http://www.python.org/topics/database/DatabaseAPI-2.0.html)? There's a SIG
> on DB at http://www.python.org/sigs/db-sig/ you may want to look at.
> Regarding drivers, to what DB do you miss one?
> - Debugger: Again, better than what? I use the debugger in IDLE and it's
> pretty ok.
> - Standard widget/windows toolkit: More standard than Tk?
> - Something akin to a standard for web programming: specifically?
> - Better documentation: Did you find *any* issue in the docs? And why you
> didn't post a bug on that?
> - Better organization of the std lib: What do you propose (specifically)?
> Please, in your proposal, take in consideration migration plans and how the
> migration affect actual systems. And of course, why the new organization is
> better than the old one. BTW, I also think that it should be better
> organized, but don't know how.
> - a formalized set of protocols and patterns for program construction: a
> what?
> - an interpreter which is fast enough to avoid using C or Pyrex in most
> obvious cases: CPython is More Than Fast Enough. In which obvious cases it's
> not enough for you?
> Don't misinterpret this response. I know it was a rambling. But *maybe* you
> have something to contribute to Python development, even good ideas only and
> no work.
> .    Facundo

Sincerely yours, Roman A.Suzi
 - Petrozavodsk - Karelia - Russia - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -


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