Alex Martelli said unto the world upon 2005-01-04 11:15:

But then I have THREE published recipes!!
Does that mean that I get three free copies of the cookbook ? ;-)

...ti piacerebbe eh...?-)  Sorry, "one each", even though you have
_five_ credits.  For the curious, here's the roster of most credited
contributors (remember, significant comments we merged into other's
recipes also count!-)...:


If you wished to count only _authored_ recipes (but that's a bit misleading, since in several recipes-as-published there is a merge of two or three separately submitted and accepted recipes, and here I'm counting only the first-listed-author per published-recipe...):

1: 25 u'Luther Blissett'


...but each still gets ONE free copy...!-)


Since I'm certain Luther won't be claiming his copy ;-) perhaps we could auction it off?


Brian vdB

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