Thanks all for very detailed answers. BTW I tried this one but it seems
that it doesn't use VS'es visual designer. Also it doesn't have "build"
option so it is basicly only usefull to higlight Python syntax.
Active Sate Komodo looks like much better choice

I don't know of any python IDE with a visual designer and a build to exe option.

But since you are familiar with Visual Studio and you are developing on Windows, you might check out the free SharpDevelop IDE:

Then unzip this boo add-in into the SharpDevelop folder under Program Files:

Then you can start up SharpDevelop, create a new boo project, press the green play button, and your exe will be built and executed (the one below is only 4kb in size). We are working on adding support for SharpDevelop's visual form designer soon.

To show a Windows message box instead of printing to the console like you were asking earlier, you can use code like this:

import System.Windows.Forms
MessageBox.Show("your message")

Or for a more complete windows app:

import System.Drawing
import System.Windows.Forms

class MainForm(Form):
        def constructor():
                self.Text = "My Window"
                b = Button(Text: "Click Me")
                b.Location = Point(100,75)
                b.Click += def():
                        MessageBox.Show("Button clicked")
                #b.Click += OnButtonClick


        def OnButtonClick():
                MessageBox.Show("Button clicked")

f = MainForm() Application.Run(f) --

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