Jacek Generowicz wrote:
Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Why the heck would I ever have to do "rectangle operations" on a
regular basis?  ;-)

Well, given that all editors are cat equivalent[*], you don't _have_ to use any of their features :-)

This "cat equivalent" thing is a red-herring. I can rarely type more than a line of code without making a typographical error. Sometimes I won't catch that error until a bit later. Using "cat" alone would provide me little opportunity to fix the error, so I would never be able to produce a working program longer than a few lines.

You might call this simply "less productive" (though I'd argue
it becomes a qualitative difference).  But, okay, let's work from there...

But just like Python (particularly in the hands of a skilled Python
programmer) is more productive than a Turing Machine, any featureful
editor (in the hands of an experienced user) is far more productive
than "cat > file".

I don't disagree. I do, however, claim that the set of features that are required to make *me* orders of magnitude more productive than "cat" (to use your quantitative comparison) is very, very small.

And that I use less than 2% of the features most editors have.

And that if a programmer with equal abilities managed to learn to
use 98% of the features of such an editor, such that he could
readily use whichever such feature was most effective at any given
time, he would not be more than 10% more effective than I am.

But the whole argument is fairly moot...  I've needed a rectangle
operation only once in the last ten years, and if I hadn't known at
the time that my editor could do it (and spent about half an hour
figuring out how it worked), I could have written a utility to
do the job faster if I'd been using Python at the time...


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