jerry wise wrote:
Thank you for responding. I have responded to Jeff several times, but he has not sent me anything back. I have read several of the pymedia docs, but truthfully they mean nothing to me because like I said, I have no experience in computer programming. You told me to look at the pymedia docs and subscribe to the list to help solve the .wav to .mp3 problem, but if the 10 files were .mp3 to begin with then all the combinations of the 10 would come out as .mp3s which would solve the space issue and there would be no need for any conversion, right?
You will notice a dearth of contributions from me here at this community, and it can be inferred that this is a direct result of my being _extremely_ busy working for a small software engineering company in Boston which works its employees to near death.  But nevermind that, I like to help people as much as I can. 

You are entirely correct: you could manually convert your Wave files to mp3 or ogg or else and then implement and execute an algorithm which spits out each combination in the desired format etc...  yes, you could do this.  You would need to specify how to name the files and so forth.  It is a learning process.  First you need to write out all the steps at a level of detail correlating to your level of programming knowledge (you say nil?).  Then you can ask us here how to implement the various pieces in Python, given that you have already carefully read the Python documentation on the relevant topics. 

I will keep responding to your messages, but I imagine I won't be much use to you given my time constraints and your complete inexperience in programming in general.  If you have never programmed before, you need to start with the Python beginner's tutorial on the Python website and you need to play with the language and the various aspects of programming so you can do something meaningful (as you intend to do).

Best Wishes.

- Arich


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