Okay, thanks.  That helps a lot.

"Mike Thompson" <none.by.e-mail> wrote in message
> It's me wrote:
> > Yes, Mike,
> >
> > Others pointed that out as well.
> For good reason.
> >
> > The difficulty is that they are all in VBAs.   Most of them can be
> > translated to Python fairly easily, and some I can get from looking at
> > recorded macro - but some requires quite a bit of head scratching.
> >
> > For instance, I wanted to figure out how create a new window.   So, I
> > through the record macro process and looked at the VBA code,  it says:
> >
> >     ActiveWindow.NewWindow
> app.ActiveWindow.NewWindow()
> >
> > Okay.  Now what???
> >
> > And for switching window, it says:
> >
> >         Windows("Book1:1").Activate
> app.Windows.Item("Book1:1").Activate()
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> from win32com.client import Dispatch, constants
> app = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
> app.Visible = True
> workbook = app.Workbooks.Add()
> defaultWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets(1)
> app.ActiveWindow.NewWindow()
> app.ActiveWindow.NewWindow()
> # grab the capation (like 'Book1:1') from one of the windows
> thridWindowsCaption = app.Windows[2].Caption
> print thridWindowsCaption
> app.Windows.Item(thridWindowsCaption).Activate()
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sometimes its useful to look in the file generated by makepy. It details
> all the classes and their methods AND there are annotations in the form
> of comments.  Having said that, if you've never looked in a makepy
> generated module before, you're in for a shock -  it takes a while
> before you figure out what you are looking at.
> When you get stuck, trial & error and a good debuger are your friend.
> --
> Mike


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