David Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello. I recently came across a free operating system called Unununium (or
> something like that) and it was developed in Python and Assembly.
> Now, I have been looking for a way to make an operating system for a long
> long time and the only possibilities I could find were C++ and assembly. 

The problem when using Python instead of C for OS development is that
C was *specifically designed* to create an OS, while Python was designed
for completely different purposes. If you want to write an OS, it would
be wise to use a language that is suited for that purpose. If you
dislike C so much and prefer Python so much more, your first step should
be to design a Python dialect that is more appropriate for writing OS's.

(I know that you mentioned C++, not C, but I decided to setup C as a
straw-man to make my argument.)

- Mike


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