Donn Cave wrote:
> If Python 3 is going to get assignment-as-expression, it will be
> because GvR accepts that as a reasonable idea.  You won't bootleg it
> in by trying to hide it behind this "where" notion, and you're not
> doing "where" any good in trying to twist it this way either.

I suspect you misunderstood me.  When proposed this:

. if m > 20 where m=something():
.     use(m)

the "where m=something()" part is NOT part of the if-expression.  It is
an optional part of the if-statement.  A very poor excuse for a BNF
grammar of the if-statment would look like this:

.    "if" expr [ "where" symbol "=" expr ] suite ...

In no way, shape, or form did I ever intend for something like this to
be possible:

. x = (m > 20 where m=something())

Besides, if I had intended it to be an alternately-spelled assignment
expression, then it wouldn't have worked as I stated.  I wanted the
thing being bound to be visible inside the if-expression and the
if-block, and to do that it must have the cooperation of the if-block,
and therefore must be part of the if-statement.  If this were an
assigment expression, then m would have to be either be visible within
the whole surrounding scope, or just within that expression.

What I proposed was really nothing more than a convenient way to sneak
an extra binding inside an elif clause.  (The real point here is not to
use this on if-clauses, but on elif-clauses.)



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