Bob Smith wrote:
Peter Hansen wrote:

Bob Smith wrote:

Attached is the code. Run it yourself and see. You too Peter. Be gentle with me, this was my first attempt with threads.

Thanks, Bob, and I will, but not before you answer some of my questions.

I had good reasons to ask them, one of which is that I don't
feel like wasting my time if, for example, you are using an
older version of Python that *did* have a memory leak.

2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]

Perhaps you could try using the new subprocess module, instead of using os.popen directly.

A fair amount of work went into making the Windows implementation of that module as solid as the *nix implementation, whereas there may still be issues with direct os.popen calls (as Roel's investigation suggests).


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

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