You can download the code from the web directly now at:

Thanks for all the code suggestions. This is what I was hoping for, but was honestly suprised to actually get it all, although I did get at least one emotional blast, so I don't feel like Usenet has completely changed from it's old self...grin....

I already made a change to the this_page() method based on a suggestion, and will happily pursue many of the other sugestions here. I'm only about 100 pages into Mark Lutz's "Learning Python" book, so I'm sure there is a lot more learning to do.

Thanks for all your input!


On 2005-01-10 15:44:33 -0800, "McBooCzech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Newbie in Python.
I did copy the whole script form the web and save it as I did
download pyparsing module and save it to
I did run following script:

import sys

from pyparsing import *
extraLineBreak = White(" ",exact=1) + LineEnd().suppress()
text = file("").read()
newtext = extraLineBreak.transformString(text)

I did try to run script, but following message

File "", line 169
choose(4,"You give your correct clearance",5,"You lie and claim
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string

So my questions are:
Why pyparser didn't correct the script?
What I am doing wrong?
Is it necessary to correct the script by hand anyway?



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