Torsten Mohr wrote:

> along with my distribution SuSE 9.1 came python 2.3.3.
> I'd like to update to 2.4 now, is this an easy thing to do
> or will lots of installed modules refuse to work then?
> Is there an easy way to find out what i need to update?

I shied away from a full upgrade and installed 2.4 from source just to play
around with it. This is painless if you use 

make altinstall

instead of 

make install

If you want Tkinter support you have to install the tk-devel package before
configuring 2.4.

One easy way to find out what depends on python is to mark python for
removal in yast, then click the [Abhängigkeiten prüfen] (check
dependencies) button -- and probably cancel the changes afterwards.



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