Hi everyone,
After months of hacking i managed to get my python software to work properly, and have even managed to turn it into an exe with Mcmillan's Installer 
(ran into a LookupError with py2exe so i tossed it).
Anyway, now i'm wondering how to include entire folders and their content into the distribution directory. I created a COLLECT subclass for each folder something like this:
coll1 = COLLECT (  [('file1.txt', 'C:/my/folder1/file1', 'DATA')],
                             [('file2.txt', 'C:/my/folder1/file2', 'DATA')],
                            name = folder1 )
coll2 = COLLECT (  [('file1.txt', 'C:/my/folder2/file1', 'DATA')],
                            name = folder2 )
I have to do that for each file and each folder i want to include. How can i do this more efficiently?
Also, when i run the exe by double-clicking on it directly from within the distribution directory it works fine, but once i create a shortcut or try to access it with the command-line eg C:/project/dist/project.exe it doesnt seem to be able to find the files that i imported with the COLLECT statement, even though in my source code all the file locations are relative. I get an error that goes something like... Cannot find the file or directory named './icons/splash.bmp' although it is clearly there.
Any ideas?

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