A couple of new 'modules' available from Voidspace Pythonutils.


Slightly tongue in cheek, this isn't really a python module. It's three lists of English words containing 'py' - intended to be helpful to those choosing names for python projects. The word lists were produced from an initial file of about 8mb. Words selected all contain 'py', single words or hyphenated words, but no compound words.
* pywordlist.txt All words contain 'py' 23kb - 1946 words
* pywordlist2.txt All words starting or ending in 'py' 16kb - 1406 words
* pywordlist3.txt All words as pywordlist2, but only words less than 10 chars long 5kb - 658 words.

downman.py Version 0.2.1 14th December 2004
Simple Download Manager

This is a simple download manager tool. It may be egotistical, but I like to know which of my projects are being downloaded (and which aren't). Simply make your files available in a single directory and have the links point to downman (see the download link for downman itself for an example) and downman will track the downloads. At the moment it only presents simple data - but all the raw data is collected to do per week/last month (or whatever) analysis. It will also manage links as well.

See the example output at http://www.voidspace.org.uk/cgi-bin/voidspace/downman.py


Fuzzyman http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/index.shtml -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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