Someone> Does anyone here have a copy of that document? Or who can tell
    Someone> me what is the email address of Jim Jackson or Kar-Han Tan.


    Gerrit> This is again a nice document, and an example of a document that
    Gerrit> presumably has been removed because of maintenance
    Gerrit> reasons. Shouldn't we have a collection (archive) of these
    Gerrit> documents at

Yes, perhaps.  Note that it doesn't appear that the Wayback Machine contains
the meat of the essay, just the front page.  It came from a wiki.  Perhaps
the sysadmin folks at UIUC can dredge the content up from backup, though I
suspect they'd be unlikely to do that. 

Ah, wait...  Google to the rescue yet again.  Try Googling for

    python cs427

then pull the pages of interest out of Google's cache.

Jim Jackson's UIUC email address is/was [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Jim, if
you're out there, is it okay to reconstruct your old C427 assignment
somewhere else?

Skip Montanaro

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