MD5 and SHA are by their very nature one way encryption. You cannot decrypt them.

A quick google for other encrytion methods found this:

What you will need to do is find an encryption methos that uses a key which you use to encrypt and decrypt the data.

You could get hold of something like GPG which has a command line interface and encrypt and decrypt that way....

drs wrote:

Hi, I need to send secure data over an insecure network.  To that end, I am
needing to encrypt serialized data and then decrypt it. Is there a builtin
way to do this in Python?  MD5, SHA, etc encrypt, but I am not seeing a way
to get back my data.  Encryption is totally new to me, so any pointers of
what to read up on would be appreciated.

As a side note, I understand that I could use https, but this would involve
changing things that I may not be at liberty to change -- though if this
turns out to be the best solution, then I'll find a way to use it.



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